Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Opposite Sex Besties......Possible????

Hope you guys are having a great week so far? A lot is going on around me, spring break was fun, was a lil busy ....hmmn! doing nothing really......wake up, freshen up, eat, browse the net, read, eat, catch up wiv friends, watch a movie, sleep, & probably get a lil work done somewhere in between..... that's exactly aw my spring break went...... fun right?.....lol!

So, there is something i would love to get blogsville opinion on..... Am of the school that it is possible for ladies and guys to be bestfriends based on mutual grounds without underlying feelings or attraction. When i say bestfriends, i mean friends who discuss everything to nothing, share alot of things, cry together, laugh together, and truly have each other backs. But then there are a couple of people who seem to believe it is not possible and realistic for a lady and a guy to be best friends without one or both having feeling for each other......

Some people seem to argue the fact that even if a lady and a guy manage to keep a close friendship for a period of time, things will eventually become chaotic when one of them gets into a relationship wiv someone else

.... i beg to differ though, i totally believe it is possible for opposite sexes to be bestfriends without developing any feelings or attraction for each other...cos i have a lot of close guy friends and i have no ounce of attraction or feelings for them.....or maybe i am the weird one who doesn't realize if i have feelings for them or not (which i doubt)......

but then, i have to acknowledge that i have lost a lot of really close guy friends with whom i had great friendship as a result of this though. Situations where I have been close friends with a guy and then, he came up with the idea of taking it to the next level (relationship)....But i didn't see the possibility of the realtionship working out probably cos I am not attracted to the person or cos our personality won't make a beautiful couple adventure (atleast, so i thought) or cos of other reasons; and then, suggested we keep things on the "bestfriends" level..... a couple of guys have gradually drifted away while a couple of guys bluntly made it clear that they just can't be friends if we ain't dating.

So, my question is ....Is it possible to be bestfriend with an opposite sex without developing feelings or attractions OR not.....what are your thoughts blogsville?


  1. It is not possible o! See my blog for post on David and Danielle - best friends for the last 5 years and they shared everything! literally everything ! they talk and text for hours a day.. but they finally admitted that they care for each other more than friends... I am yet to meet a guy and girl that are platonic best friends... if you find one let me know...

  2. @I.G...... i read the post.....but there are always exceptions to the rule....I have to say that i have four people i can reffer to as best friend and three of them are guys & there are no feeling or attractions involved.

  3. hmmm that's interesting but I haven't seen it myself so I'm not convinced yet... :)

  4. @ IG......I talked about it on my facebook....and people had different opinions about it.....but a friend was about to point out to me that " even though i didn't have feeling for them, i acknowledged that some of them developed feeling for me". I also have to say that the level of respect and admiration i have for them grew as the closeness developed but it never got to the point where i would say i developed feeling for them.

    So, i suppose opposite sex best friends developing feelings for each other is a "Natural Law" as one of my friends put it.

    Thanks so much!


Thanks For Dropping By, Much Love.